4 steps to a smart home

1. Contact us today and we will schedule a free consultation to discuss your objectives, priorities, budget and specifications.

2. Together we discuss what the best options are for your project and your home. We design the best option for your home

3. We help you choose the smart devices (lighting, switches, cameras, doorbells,...) and prepare for the system set-up

4. We prepare the detailed design of the installation plan. We connect all the devices on the application and set up automations. We teach you how to operate and manage your smart home. 

5. Enjoy your smart home. Our team is always available for support 

The best time for planning your Smart home solution is..

at the time of carrying out the MEP (Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing). The MEP is when you plan all your wiring in your home. Planning for your electrical and WIFI network will give you the most flexibility in the choice of your smart home ecosystem and the best technical and interior design results. 
But there are plenty of options for all homes and many new solutions for retrofit projects.